Kosher tefillin set
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$900.00 USD
A set of Tefillin represents being a Jew from your Bar Mitzvah onwards. It will accompany you all your life. Gift that loved one, that friend, that future Jewish Man of Faith on his Bar Mitzvah Day!
The source of the Tefillin commandment appears in the Shema Yisrael passage:
You shall love the LORD your Di-s with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. Take seriously these instructions that I entrust to you this day... Tie them as a sign on your hand and let them serve as a symbol on your forehead. (Deuteronomy 6:5-8)
What are tefillin?
Tefillin are passages of the Torah that are written on parchment and placed inside leather batim (frames), with leather straps attached to the batim. These straps are used to tie the batim and the parchment Torah passages within them on the arm and hand and on the head.
The four passages are written on a single scroll on the hand Tefillin (shel yad tefillin), while on the heading Tefillin (shel rosh tefillin) each passage is written on a separate scroll, so that each passage can be placed inside one Of the four. compartments in the head Tefillin. These internal compartments of the head tefillin are also called "batim".
The four passages are:
- Consecrate to me every firstborn' (Exodus 13: 1-10)
- And when the Lord has brought you' (Exodus 13: 11-16)
- Shema Yisrael - Hear, Israel' (Deuteronomy 6: 4-9)
There are two traditional methods for writing Torah passages on Tefillin: Rashi's and Rabbenu Tam's (Rashi's grandson). According to Rashi, the passages are written and placed within the batim in the order in which they appear in the Torah, namely: 'Consecrate me,' 'And when the Lord has brought you, 'Hear, O Israel,' and 'If, then, you obey'. Rabbenu Tam places the "If, then, you obey" passage before "Hey, Israel." Everyone puts on Rashi's Tefillin. Some people, in order to fulfill the obligation of Tefillin according to both views, also put on the Rabbenu Tam Tefillin at the end of the Shacharit service, without reciting an additional blessing.
The time of obligation
In our time, the practice is to wear tefillin during the entire Shacharit service on weekdays. Since the commandment of tefillin originates from the verse 'Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them serve as a symbol on your forehead' (Deuteronomy 6:8), tefillin is not worn on Saturdays and holidays. The reason for this is that the word 'sign' (ot) is also mentioned in the Sabbath commandment, as it is written: 'The children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, observing the Sabbath through the centuries as a covenant for all. time: it will be a sign forever between me and the people of Israel' (Exodus 31: 16-17), and one sign (that of the Tefillin) is not placed on another (that of Saturday), the Feasts are comparable to Saturday .
Customs differ regarding the placement of Tefillin on Chol ha-Moed (the middle days of the Festivals), some people wear Tefillin while others do not. In Eretz Yisrael, the practice is not to wear Tefillin during Chol ha-Moed.
The symbolism involved in putting on Tefillin
Tefillin symbolize the everlasting bond between the people of Israel and Gd, and attest that the person wearing them is a Jew related to their heritage, as stated in the passage 'Consecrate to me every firstborn', one of the Tefillin passages: 'And this shall serve as a sign on your hand and as a reminder on your forehead - so that the teachings of God may be in your mouth' (Exodus 13:9).
The way in which the tefillin are placed is also very symbolic: they are placed on the head and on the hand. The head represents the intellect, thought and logic. The Jew who puts his Tefillin on his head is declaring with this very act that his thoughts are linked to Jewish tradition, and that he subordinates his mind and thoughts to the Lord and His Torah. The arm represents power, the act and its implementation. The Jew who places the tefillin on his arm declares that he is behaving in accordance with Jewish practice.
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