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“A man found him, and behold, Yosef was wandering in the field. The man asked him saying: What are you looking for? He said to him: I am looking for my brothers; please tell me where they graze.”
Genesis 37, 15,16
Family and brothers.
Beyond the blood ties and kinship, we witness in this chapter one of the terrible misfortunes that afflicted the patriarch Yaacob, when he settled in the Holy Land, and it seemed that he was going to have a period of peace and calm. There is no doubt, and I have heard this from several rabbis in Sabbath dissertations, that man has not come to this world to rest. And although there are certain moments of joy that every person finds in their existence, in truth, the task of man has to do with work, service to Hashem and passing all kinds of tests.
Beyond the blood ties and kinship, we witness in this chapter one of the terrible misfortunes that afflicted the patriarch Yaacob, when he settled in the Holy Land, and it seemed that he was going to have a period of peace and calm. There is no doubt, and I have heard this from several rabbis in Sabbath dissertations, that man has not come to this world to rest. And although there are certain moments of joy that every person finds in their existence, in truth, the task of man has to do with work, service to Hashem and passing all kinds of tests.
The condition and the link.
They are two related words, but have different meanings. The first of belonging, regardless of individual desire, and the second that the type of relationship established between people and things. Between people and their belief and with the Torah and with their group of belonging or origin.
The blessing in the affliction?
When we quote Psalm 51,17 which states: “Hashem's sacrifices are a contrite spirit; to the contrite and humiliated heart, oh Gd you will not despise”, we clearly see that there is a warning to every person. A sign, where from heaven we are warned that all misfortune hides some future good, and this is often difficult for us to appreciate, and in other situations, on the contrary, we manage to locate hidden reasons and causes that we could not appreciate at first.
Obviously, this does not mean that we human beings want to be punished or reprimanded, but our fallible condition can cause us to stumble several times with the same or with different stones on different occasions.
Yosef, spearhead.
Yosef betrayed and humiliated, sold as a slave. In the end, he ends up helping his Father and his own brothers go down to Egypt and save themselves from a vicious famine. But 22 years passed until that reunion, and whoever can weigh all the accumulated suffering has or had any sense... but in the end the Torah shows that, if there was a reason, it was not glimpsed from the beginning.
Town and brothers.
We return to two related words, but not always connected. My lady Dori always tells me: “together, but not mixed”. And yesterday I found an explanation of the book of Zoar (mother book of Kabbalah). Hashem, on many occasions, breaks or brings grief to the people of Israel so that they do not behave alone as a people, and that they feel like brothers again. And this can only be achieved (unfortunately) with blows and misfortunes (God free us). But, beyond what I write, the history of the Jewish people shows it to us, and more than that.
Amos. The revelation.
Family life brings us many joys, but also on certain occasions headaches and worries and disagreements. Likewise, the message is clear, this is the desire of the Almighty. Man can only fully develop in society. Loneliness is not desirable, since it much more easily induces sin.
As the attributes of the divinity of Jeded (goodness) and Gevurah (judgment or rigor), are one in Him, in a way that is not fully comprehensible to the mind of a finite and mortal being, only the prophecies and exegetes they can guide us on the desired path and warn mistakes to avoid calamities.
For the end, the Haftarah (weekly chapter of the prophets that is read in the Synagogues together with the parashah or weekly chapter of the Torah), the prophet Amos points out: "that because of three rebellions of Israel (idolatry, immorality, and spilling of blood) which, even though they are capital sins, God could forgive, but for a quarter I will not revoke their punishment of destruction, and the Radak -David Kinyi, biblical exegete and famous commentator on the Talmud, mentions the latter, when the Jews began to steal from each other."
Yosef's story begins with an act of stealing or kidnapping a person. So, we must learn from our ancestors, their virtues and their mistakes and always request in our prayers that God always teach us with good kindness. That is, in chocolate format, and not in injectable format without painless solvent.