Is it okay to wear a necklace with a mezuzah? by Yehuda Shurpin
Is it okay to wear a necklace with a mezuzah? by Yehuda Shurpin
I would like to wear a necklace with a pendant mezuzah I know the mezuzah they are for the doors, but is there a problem if i use it?
The Talmud explains in various parts that a mezuzah offers protection. 1 However, as you well mention, the mitzvah of the mezuzah is to put it on the door. Using it for any other purpose is in no way fulfilling the mitzvah. That being said, there are records of people using mezuzah as amulets since ancient times. In fact, the Mishnah mentions that some were in the habit of carrying a hollow staff with a mezuzah by way of protection. two
Let's explore the protective powers of mezuzah
From the outer side of the roll of the mezuzah , the name of G-d Shadai (ש-ד-י) is written on it. The Kabbalists explain that, in addition to being the name of Di-s, it is an acronym for שומר דלתות ישראל: “guardian of the gates of Israel”, which alludes to the protection offered by the mezuzah 3 In light of this, there is lively discussion in postalmudic responses as to whether protection can be obtained only by placing the mezuzah in the right place and thus fulfill the mitzvah or if it can come from any mezuzah
Many believe that to some extent protection comes from mezuzah itself, even when not attached to a door. 4 In keeping with this, the Lubavitcher Rebbe advised some people with health problems to wear a mezuzah with them (in addition to, of course, having mezuzah kosher affixed accordingly to all the doors of the house). 5
(Note that even when the mezuzah is at the door, the protection it offers is not necessarily quantifiable). 6
So yes, people have been known to wear mezuzah with him. But is it right to have mezuzah around the neck?
The life that hangs in balance
About the verse “And your life will hang suspended before you…”, 7 the Talmud explains that this refers to someone who hangs their tefillin from a hanger, which is seen as disrespectful. 8 hang one mezuzah neck would be just as disrespectful?
Two preeminent halakhic decision makers of the last century, Rabbi Moshe Feinstein 9 and Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, 10 They explained that the Talmud's admonition not to hang sacred items does not apply to hanging them on one's own body. In fact, in ancient times, Jewish kings were required to always have a Torah scroll with them, so they used to hang it from their arms. eleven
In practice
wear a necklace with a mezuzah presents certain challenges. Unless it is covered in two opaque layers, one mezuzah (or any other holy scripture, for that matter) you cannot enter a bathroom or any contaminated place, 12 nor can he be present in a room when having intimate relationships. 13 In practice, this means that if you were to wear a necklace with a mezuzah , you would have to make sure to take it off every time you enter the bathroom or even every time you enter a place that is not clean.
Even though wearing a necklace with a mezuzah is permitted and may offer some protection, it is important not to lose sight of the mitzvah itself. The mezuzah kosher placed in the indicated way throughout your home are much more powerful than any necklace.
See Talmud, Avodah Zara 11a, Menachot 33b; see also Tur, Ioré Deá 285.
See Mishnah, Keilim 17:16, and Tosfot Yom Tov ad loc.
See Siddur Haarizal, Kavonot Mezuzah; Mishnat Hasidim 3:9; Kol Bo Hilchot Mezuzah; Darkei Moshe, Yore Deah 288; see also Zohar 2:36a and Likutei Levi Yitzchak ad loc, where he explains that the Zohar alluded to his acronym (see also Likutei Sichot, vol. 19, p. 121, fn 7, for a discussion of whether or not the Zohar did allude to this acronym).
See, for example, Igrot Moshe, Yore Deah 2:141; Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in Halichot Olam, vol. 8 p.m. 216.
See, for example, Igrot Kodesh, vol. 4, p-159; vol. 6, p. 254; vol 10, p. 239.
See, for example, Igrot Moshe, Yore Deah 2:141.
Devarim 28:66 .
Talmud, Berachot 24a.
Igrot Moshe, Yore Deah 2:141.
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in Halichot Olam, vol. 8, p. 216.
See Talmud, Sanhedrin 22a.
Although it is actually allowed to enter such a place with a mezuzah if you have a double opaque layer covering it, it is best not to because it is considered a sacred item. See Igrot Moshe, Yore Deah 2:141:3.
See Magen Avraham, Shulchan Aruch, Orech Chaim 40:2; Shulchan Aruch Harav 40:5-6; Mishnah Berurah 40:7.